
CLTA-Taoli Mid-Atlantic 

We are a group of Chinese language teachers, instructors, professors, researchers, administrators, and aspiring teachers in the K-16 settings and heritage language schools in the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.  In 2018, for the purpose of providing a platform for educators in this region for professional development and engagement, we established this association called Taoli Chinese Language Educators in the Mid-Atlantic.  In 2021, we joined CLTA  as a regional association and changed our name to CLTA-Taoli Mid-Atlantic. Educators in other regions and outside the United States are welcome to join us.

我们是一群来自于东宾夕法尼亚州、特拉华州、南新泽西州, 和马里兰州的有抱负的K-16公立、私立和中文学校的汉语教师、讲师、教授、研究人员、管理人员。为了给这些地区的教育工作者提供一个专业发展和参与的平台,我们于2018年成立了这个名为“中大西洋桃李汉语教育工作者”的协会。 2021 年,我们加入了 中文教师协会CLTA,并更名为 CLTA-Taoli Mid-Atlantic。欢迎加入我们!也欢迎其它地区以及美国以外的教育工作者加入我们!

2024 CLTA-Taoli Spring Webinar

Effective Communication Strategies with Students

                                                                   To view the webinar ppt slides, please click the link here     

  For those who missed the webinar or want to watch the recorded video again, please contact us     


我们非常高兴地宣布,CLTA-Taoli 将于5月18日星期六晚上7点到8点举办一场特别的在线演讲活动,邀请到了张世红老师担任演讲嘉宾。本次演讲的主题是:“轻松学会做一位可以和学生有效沟通的老师”。











Taoli's Participation in CLTA Annual Conference  

St. Louis, Missouri,   

April 5-7,2024

2024 CLTA-Taoli Spring Webina

K-16 Chinese Immersion Program Articulation: A Collaborative Representation in Delaware

Dear all,

We are excited to announce that Taoli's spring webinar will be held via Zoom on March 16th from 7:00-8:00 pm EST.

 We are honored to invite Dr. Mengyao Chen and Dr. Yi Zhang to give a keynote speech on "K-16 Chinese Immersion Program Articulation". The attached flyer contains the details and registration link. 

Please join us and feel free to share the flyer with your friends. We hope to see you there.

Sincerely yours,

Taoli Board 

Workshop Registration (Please register by March 14)


2024 Lunar New Year Gathering 

龙年新春茶话会 Feb.3rd





时间:2024年2月3日 上午9时30分 至下午2点

地点:达拉瓦大学(University of Delaware)







Become a Member Today at

Directions and Parking Information

2023 CLTA-Taoli Fall event in Winterthur Museum Nov. 4th

Dear all,

Happy Fall!      

The first workshop to kick off the new academic year will be held on November 4th in the beautiful and historic Winterthur Museum Gardens! Let us embrace art, culture and friendship together! Please see the attached flyer for details and to register yourself. If you have any questions, please contact us.   Hope to see you all there! 

Taoli Board 

Become a Member Today at

Directions and Parking Information

2023 Taoli Spring Workshop Embracing Change: K-16 Teaching Showcase -3/11/2023

CLTA-Taoli just had a successful 2023 spring workshop. If you would like to see the PPTs of the workshop, please go to our resources webpage or click Here .

Happy Year of the Rabbit! 

Hope everyone had a great time with your family, friends and students. Thank you again for attending our fall conference last year. Let's keep the ball rolling! We will be hosting a spring workshop on Saturday March 11th at Friends Select School in Philadelphia. Please the link below and join us again!

Warm regard,

Taoli Board!

Workshop Registration

Directions and Parking

2022 Fall Learn and Lunch- Exploring the Forbidden City and Sharing DEI Practices

Happy Autumn! Taoli will kick off our first in-person gathering on November 12th. Welcome to join us to reconnect with our old friends and meet new ones. Please check the attached flyer for details on the event and registration information. 

For your convenience, I have also attached the registration link. If you want to be a member of Taoli, you are welcome to join, then the event will be free.

Hope to see you there!

2022 Fall Learn and Lunch flyer 

China Institute's PD series: Art, Ritual and Religion: Bronze Vessels to Buddha Images, designed for K-12 educators, is open for registration. 

First session starting on Oct. 5, this online series is for anyone with an interest in learning more deeply about Chinese culture in ancient time, which has a lasting impact and still inform and define Chinese culture today. 

Welcome to enroll and hope to see you online there

2022 May Webinar Flyer.pdf


K-16 Articulation

May 14, 2022


2021 October Workshop Flyer-KV.pdf

Enhancing Effectiveness of Learning and Teaching in K-16 Chinese World Language Classroom through Action Research

By Professor Renee Dong

(October 16, 2021 Webinar)